It may be hard to believe, but I used to dislike Reese’s peanut butter cups. I’ve always loved chocolate and peanut butter, I just wasn’t a fan of them together. What was wrong with me? I’m a huge fan of the combination now. What I’m not a big fan of is all the sugar, though. And ever since I created low carb gluten-free tagalongs (you know, those amazing Girl Scout cookies with chocolate and peanut butter?), I’ve been wanting to create a sugar-free keto peanut butter cups recipe, too. Making your own homemade chocolate peanut butter cups is very easy. The aforementioned tagalongs require dipping the cookies in chocolate one by one, and while they come out amazing, it’s a little more work. Keto peanut butter cups are much easier. The peanut butter center is more dense, so you can just spread it in the center of your bottom chocolate layer in a circle without touching the sides. Then, after you freeze that layer, the top melted chocolate layer flows around the peanut butter. This creates the chocolate shell for both the sides and the top of the cups. I usually have all five (!!) of the ingredients needed at home. There are also a couple optional ingredients – vanilla and sea salt. Of course, I always have those around, too. I usually use parchment paper muffin liners for this recipe, since they work for multiple things. You can get special candy liners if you want to. The only hard part about making sugar-free peanut butter cups is all the waiting! Each step takes just a few minutes, but you have to wait for each part to solidify before moving on to the next step. It’s a good recipe to make when you have other things to make in the kitchen. Then you can work on the peanut butter cups candy in between.

Keto Peanut Butter Cups as Fat Bombs

This keto peanut butter cups recipe was one of the first ways that I made fat bombs. I do think you can consider them that, even if that isn’t in the name. If you want a “real” fat bomb recipe, you can try my chocolate keto fat bombs, too. The idea behind fat bombs is having something intensely satisfying with a lot of fat to curb any cravings and hunger. I don’t have them often, but am happy to make an exception for sugar-free peanut butter cups! I think you will, too. And if you don’t have sugar-free chocolate, you can still make keto peanut butter cups. Just follow the recipe for homemade peanut butter cups, and use powdered sugar-free sweetener instead of powdered sugar.

Sugar-Free Peanut Butter Cups For Halloween

As we head into fall, I thought it was a great time to share low carb keto peanut butter cups. Halloween is just a little over a month away! I know that means lots of candy for many people – for the kids first, and then for the adults as people bring leftover candy into the office. I’d much rather have these. My older daughter is probably still a little young to go trick-or-treating, but we’ll see how it goes. She hasn’t tried sugar candy yet and is happy eating my sugar-free versions as a rare treat. She loves these low carb peanut butter cups! I recently heard of a great idea for how to deal with all the candy kids collect at Halloween. You let them pick out five pieces that are their favorites, and they can have one piece per day for five days. Then, they get to “trade in” the remaining candy for something else that isn’t food, like a new book or toy. Just bring the candy they trade in to work to share with co-workers, so you don’t end up eating all of it (or in my case, any of it ;)) yourself. I’ll definitely be trying this method with my kids once they get older. For now, I’m happy just making homemade sugar-free peanut butter cups for my whole family. I know my daughter will be plenty happy eating these on Halloween! And, they happen to be one of my favorite keto chocolate recipes, too.   Share your recipe picture by tagging @wholesomeyum and hashtag it #wholesomeyum on Instagram, or in our Facebook support group, too - I’d love to see it! Serving size: 1 piece